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Polity UPSC pre PYQ 2011-2022 Solved

Objective of this series is make sure that you are able to do 30% question which comes from PYQ.


How it will happen?


1.This series give you an idea on where you need to focus.


2.Along with question I will share Trick which will help you

in solving question in real exam.



I will take a fees from you???

After Some question you need to answer the practice question in comment section it will help you memorise the concept.


This is a series of video of all the PYQ which  came from  2011[Pattern changed] to 2022 for Polity.


Playlist for Polity Year wise question


Part 1 2022 and 2021


"Consider the following statements :

1.  Pursuant to the report of H.N. Sanyal Committee, the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 was passed.


2.  The Constitution of India empowers the Supreme Court and the High Courts to punish for contempt of themselves.


3.  The Constitution of India defines Civil Contempt and Criminal Contempt.


4.  In India, the Parliament is vested with the powers to make laws on Contempt of Court.


Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a)        1 and 2 only

(b)        1, 2 and 4

(c)        3 and 4 only

(d)        3 only






Contempt of Courts











Constitution define




Usually Constitution do not define things because it is a broad concept.


Statement 3 is wrong


THE CONTEMPT OF COURTS ACT, 1971 Define is the Civil Contempt and Criminal Contempt.


Option C and D eliminated.


Now you are in 50:50 stage now you have to solve this question even if you are not 100% sure


Common sense 


Both A and B have Statement 1 it means there must be a law and if there is law then it means


Statement 4 is right- the Parliament is vested with the powers to make laws on Contempt of Court -


Therefore by elimination and Common sense  the answer is B.


For More on this question -


Name the committee on whose report Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 was passed.



This question is an example of how tough question can be solved using common sense you just need to focus on each and every word.


Even as a IAS when you read files this skill is important of reading each word constiously because you will take decision based on that or you will approve it.


So , you will be held responsible.


"With reference to India, consider the following statements :


1. Government law officers and legal firms are recognised as advocates, but corporate lawyers and patent attorneys are excluded from recognition as advocates.

2. Bar Councils have the power to lay down the rules relating to legal education and recognition of law colleges.


Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a)        1 only

(b)        2 only

(c)        Both 1 and 2

(d)        Neither 1 nor 2




Common sense - Legal Firms can not be a advocate.--- Now 50-50.


Advocates are the only recognized class of persons entitled to Practice the profession of Law. Legal firms are not recognized as advocates.


Statement 2 is correct: The Bar Council of India regulates the law education in India.





For More on this


Consider the following statements :


1. A bill amending the Constitution requires a prior recommendation of the President of India.


2.   When a Constitution Amendment Bill is presented to the President of India, it is obligatory for the President of India to give his/her assent.


3.   A Constitution Amendment Bill must be passed by both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha by a special majority and there is no provision for joint sitting.


Which of the statements given above are correct ?

(a)        1 and 2 only

(b)        2 and 3 only

(c)        1 and 3 only

(d)        1,2 and 3





This is a direct question on Constitution Amendment Procedure


Statement 1 is wrong: CABs do not require President's recommendation.


Note - Money Bill require Prior approval of President


For more


Majority types



 majority of total membership 

of the House


majority of two-thirds of

members of  House

present and voting.


a majority of

members of  House

present and voting.





Note- In president impeachment two-thirds of total membership in both houses.


Name a Bill which require prior President Approval ?



Consider the following statements :

1. The Constitution of India classifies the ministers into four ranks viz. Cabinet Minister, Minister of State with Independent Charge, Minister of State and Deputy Minister.


2. The total number of ministers in the Union Government, including the Prime Minister, shall not exceed 15 percent of the total number of members in the Lok Sabha.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a)        1 only

(b)        2 only

(c)        Both 1 and 2

(d)        Neither 1 nor 2


Solution - B


Constitution not go in much detail which are not important.


It provides the framework.


Statement 1 is wrong: Article 74: There shall be a Council of Ministers headed by Prime Minister to aid and advice president


But different types of ministers and not mentioned in the constitution.


Statement 2 is correct: as per 91st CAA, 2003


Article 352 defines Cabinet--- as the Council consisting of the Prime Minister and other Ministers of Cabinet rank under Article 75.


For More -



Which of the following is/are the exclusive power(s) of Lok Sabha ?

1.To ratify the declaration of Emergency

2.To pass a motion of no-confidence against the Council of Ministers

3.To impeach the President of India

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

(a)        1 and 2

(b)        2 only

(c)        1 and 3

(d)        3 only





Statement 1 is wrong: Article 352: Every Emergency Proclamation issued needs to be  laid before each House of Parliament


 Statement 2 is correct: Article 75(3): The Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha. So no-confidence motion requires approval of Lok Sabha only.


 Statement 3 is wrong: Article 61: If a President is to be impeached, the charge shall be framed by either House of Parliament.



Deals with A.19 only


For More -




With reference to anti-defection law in India, consider the following statements :

1.   The law specifies that a nominated legislator cannot join any political party within six months of being appointed to the House.

2. The law does not provide any time-frame within which the presiding officer has to decide a defection case.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a)        1 only

(b)        2 only

(c)        Both 1 and 2

(d)        Neither 1 nor 2





 Schedule 10: If a nominated member joins any political party after the expiry of six months from joining then he’ll be disqualified.


91st Amendment Act, of 2003

 Strengthened Anti defection law


For more -



"Consider the following statements :

1.        Attorney General of India and Solicitor General of India are the only officers of the Government who are allowed to participate in the meetings of the Parliament of India.

2.        According to the Constitution of India, the Attorney General of India submits his resignation when the Government which appointed him resigns.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a)        1 only

(b)        2 only

(c)        Both 1 and 2

(d)        Neither 1 nor 2





 Article 88: Attorney General of India shall have the right to speak and participate in either House but without right to vote. No mention of Solicitor General of India.


Article 76: The Attorney General shall hold office during the pleasure of the President. So Attorney General need not resign if the government resigns.



With reference to the writs issued by the Courts in India, consider the following statements :


1. Mandamus will not lie against a private organisation unless it is entrusted with a public duty.

2. Mandamus will not lie against a Company even though it may be a Government Company.

3.  Any public minded person can be a petitioner to move the Court to obtain the writ of Quo Warranto.

Which of the statements given above are correct ?

(a)        1 and 2 only

(b)        2 and 3 only

(c)        1 and 3 only

(d)        1, 2 and 3





Statement 2 is wrong- Basic info about Mandamus.


Mandamus literally means “Command”. It is thus an order of a superior court commanding a person holding a public office or a public authority.


 Quo Warranto is a writ or legal action requiring a person to show by what warrant an office or franchise is held, claimed, or exercised. Any public minded person can file this petition."


For more



With reference to Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, consider the following statements :

1.   As per the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha, the election of Deputy Speaker shall be held on such date as the Speaker may fix.


2.  There is a mandatory provision that the election of a candidate as Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha shall be from either the principal opposition party or the ruling party.


3.    The Deputy Speaker has the same power as of the Speaker when presiding over the sitting of the House and no appeal lies against his rulings.


4.   The well established parliamentary practice regarding the appointment of Deputy Speaker is that the motion is moved by the Speaker and duly seconded by Prime Minister.


Which of the statements given above are correct ?

(a)        1 and 3 only

(b)        1, 2 and 3

(c)        3 and 4 only

(d)        2 and 4 only"






For More


If a particular area is brought under the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution of India, which one of the following statements best reflects the consequence of it ?

(a) This would prevent the transfer of land of tribal people to non-tribal people.

(b)This would create a local self-governing body in that area.

(c) This would convert that area into a Union Territory.

(d)  The State having such areas would be declared a Special Category State.





Option B can be a confusing option because it is basically talking about Schedule 6 Under which district and regional council are created which has sizeable amount of autonomy


But in case of Schedule 5 Tribal advisory council created which advise on welfare and advice of Scheduled tribes.


For more




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